About us

I’m a 21 year old girl from Norway, who got pregnant pretty early. I was so lucky to get twins, Leon and Nathaniel. They are soon 3 years old.

With this blog, I’ll share our experiences and tell you about our days.


42 thoughts on “About us

  1. Hello, I am also mother of 3 children, now all grown up. I think you are a great mom, seeing that film, many people should do this, be proud of who you are, your children will be proud of you later when they realize what a great mom you are. Greetings, erika


    • Hello Henriette,
      Don´t worry about what people say. Your children look happy and in harmony. It is not easy to have twins at any age. People like to talk about other. You look like you love your children and a god mom.
      Keep the god work.
      Bedst Regards


  2. As a father of four kids under seven, I found your video hilarious because of its familiarity. Anyone saying you’re a bad mom or should beat your kids are idiots. Children should be guided- not broken. Frustrating as it may be now, your boys’ disobedience of what they view as an arbitrary rule is a sign of intelligence and confidence- things that will serve them long after they leave your home.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are very patient, smart and good mom, don’t let negative people affect you. No one from social media will know the best for your twins but you.
    Can’t wait for other blog post to follow your happy life with your babies :*


  4. Hi Henriette. I’m with Fox29 in Philadelphia. We would love to share your timelapse video with our viewers. Can we use your video? Thanks!


      • Hej Henriette.
        Bortset fra min Datter er ved at være stor, så var jeg enlig Far til hende da hun var mindre. Og jeg forstår på ingen måde den kritik du har fået med Sovetid NU ! Videoklippet. Tværtimod. Jeg beundre virkelig både din energi og tålmodighed
        Mange hilsner fra Morten Danmark


  5. I just discover your blog today and it makes me remember a lot of memories of my twins early life! At bed time, it was exactly the same ceremony… They are now 8 years old and very well-behaved, my life is full of happiness thanks to them 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ m a Danish girl, single/no kids (with lots of friends with children in different ages) and I have to write a positive comment on your video 🙂 I find it very hard to understand why some people find it necessary to write mean and disrespectful words to you about that video! I think it so funny watching and cute and just shows the hard work of beeing a mum of twins. Especially I love the boy in the left room who keeps running out of the room and away more than once and when he politely closes the door while your’e in the other room 🙂 ❤ I could have written this in danish since we understand each other languages ( as neighbour countries closely related ) but I've done it in english, so that more people can get my opinion and understand my support 🙂 take care and keep up the good twin work 🙂


  7. Henriette your video is funny and shouldn’t be taken for more than that. Sorry to hear (according DK media) that not all people can see that. Good luck with your wonderful boys.
    Best regard
    Mads, Denmark.


  8. Sweetest video…just goes to show the love you have for your kids. And they are simply adorable…quit normal behavior…I believe any parent can relate to bedtime challanges…and from were Im standing, you are doing a hell of a good job. Be proud and take care😊


  9. Don’t listen to all the critic!! I am sure that you are a super mom.
    And what a funny video, I think every parents has ben in that situation, I have and I didn’t have so much patients as you did. So, all of them who gives you critic have clearly no kids, ore no heart !!!!
    I am my self a mom to a 4 year old girl, and i know the “fights” that come one in a while (at the time every day;-))
    lots of love from a fan;-)


  10. Kære Henriette..
    Tak fordi du deler denne video. Skønne unger du har. Det er ikke så underligt, at ungerne ikke vil sove i varmen. Hvordan skal de kunne, når vi andre ikke kan? At du får dumme kommentarer for denne video, fatter jeg ikke. Jeg er sikker på, du er en fin mor. Jeg er selv far til en dreng på lidt mere end et år. Jeg har måttet sande, at det at blive forældre, er hårdt arbejde. Lige om lidt får vi endda en mere i familien 😉 …. Rigtig meget held og lykke i fremtiden fra os i Danmark


  11. Dear Henriette,
    I can’t imagine what people would have against your work with the twins simply based on that video… Normally this is the kind of videos we laugh about on tv (“america’s funniest home videos” etc.) My son is 9 weeks old, I hope I will be just as patience with him as it seems like you are with your twins – and actually, I hope as time goes by I will have some fun videos like this to keep the memories of his childhood… Hope bedtime soon will be easier for the boys. All the best from Bettina, Denmark.


  12. The video shows that you are very patient with them! You couldn’t treat them better, I think. Keep your head up and move on! 🙂
    Greetings from Germany


  13. Please understand that there are some people in this world who live to tear down others.
    This is their problem not yours.
    I watched your video, laughed, said “Oh Oh” several times and, also had moments of “what would I do?” – all with good humor and a lots of compassion for you.
    Keep it up – you’re a great mum and you’re doing everything right.


  14. Funny video! 🙂 I wish the people who says bad things about you had a little more sense of humor.. Keep up the good work! 🙂 And focus on the good things people say to you 🙂 Good day to you


  15. Loved your video remember having to sit at my eldest bedside when she was that age waiting for her to go to sleep until I just successfully achieved what you are trying to do. Great patience and great mother, well done.


  16. Our 3 year old son would not stay in bed, – just like your boys. We read an advice from a very respected Danish professional(Lola Jensen). The following 3 weeks we did like you do in the video every night. The record was about 80 times one night. After two weeks I was about to give up, but after 3 weeks he stayed in bed whenever we put him to bed, and has done that for 1,5 year now. It was 3 weeks of hard work, but after that life became so much easier. So keep it up!


  17. ❤ du er en fantastisk MOR og alle der skriver grimt om denne vidio er smålige og misundelige. Alt godt til jeres lille familie ønskes 🙂


  18. Respectful, patient, impressive calm, motherly, not stressed – must admit, I’m impressed!
    Keep your head up – be kind to your boys – and your self – and let life be fun as you have started.


  19. The video is great. It just goes to show how difficult life with twins or really, any small children, can be. You’re incredibly patient with them, and I don’t know that I would have your patience. Anyway, keep doing what you’re doing. You have great instincts and your children will grow up happy and healthy because of you.

    As for them sleeping in your bed, enjoy it while it lasts. All too soon, it will be over, and you’ll miss it. 😉


  20. Dear Henriette, you are doing a great job as a mother!!! We also have twins and a daughter (whose name is Henriette 🙂 ) and the video could have played in our house as well. It takes a lot of patience with kids and you definitively have this. So don`t care about those strange comments – these people don`t know what they are talking about.
    By the way, we also tried your method of taking the kids to bed. It really worked after two (hard :-)) weeks that needed a lot of patience – but our twins were not yet able to walk at that age…
    All the best!


  21. Hello Henriette,
    I thoroughly enjoyed watching you with your kids. You look like a very happy family. and you, Wow! so very patient, well done. Looks like your doing a fantastic job with them.
    with the kindest regards zel


  22. I’m a mom of twins just turning two (identical boys like yours). I fear I will be just like you in the video as soon as they are out of their cribs, lol! Keep up the good work. Your boys look amazing, smart, happy. 🙂


  23. Hi from Australia! Hehe I giggled through the video. Cannot believe some keyboard worriers would be so nasty. You are clearly a very good mum!!! Enjoy your boys 🙂


  24. Hi Henriette,

    a friend sent me the video today, so funny! We have also twin girls (2 years) and my first thought was – could be ours. Don’t care of what others comment – they don’t have any idea what it means to be twin-mom. And congratulations to you being so patient with your boys.
    Love from Germany


  25. I saw your video and just had to laugh. I only have one little boy but I can totally sympathize with you. Bedtime routines are tough! Being a parent is hard and you can tell you are doing your best. Don’t listen to the negativity from others – you are a fantastic mom and your boys love you (why else would they come to check on you?). Thank you for sharing!


  26. Hi, Henriette!

    We have twin boys, too. Ours just turned three. I can completely relate to ypur bedtime routine, although it doesn’t stay light outside as long as it does in Norway.


  27. Hi,
    I am a mother of 4 1/2 year old identical twin-boys. You have my full respect! It is tough to raise twins anyway. But doing it ‘alone’ is really a heavy job. Even, if the father of the kids takes care of them too. Don’t listen to others. Keep going and take care to yourself.


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